Serverless is a development approach where your cloud service provider manages the servers. This replaces the long-running virtual machine with computing power which comes into existence on demand and disappears immediately after use. The most common AWS serverless services are: Compute - Lambda, Fargate; Data Storage - S3, EFS, DynamoDB; Integration - API Gateway, SQS, SNS, EventBridge, and Step Functions.
Pros of serverless
- Pay for the time when the server is executing the action.
- Allows the app to be elastic, it can automatically scale up/down.
- Much less time managing the servers like provisioning infrastructure, managing capacity, patching, monitoring, etc. For example in the case of lambda, you configure memory and storage based on which you pay.
- Help reduces development time as you focus less on infrastructure and more on business logic. In my opinion, this is one of the key benefits.
- Fits well with microservices to build loosely-coupled components.
- You just take care of the code in terms of testing, security, and vulnerability.
Cons of serverless
- One of the biggest channels is a cold start. A few technics which can help are SnapStart (currently only supported in java runtime), AOT with .net core 7, and Provisioned concurrency (extra cost).
- Vendor lock-in, the same code will not run in Azure or GPC. Also, you will have to find a way to run it on the local developer machine. Visual Studio template (like serverless.AspNetCoreWebAPI) helps you create a project with both local entry points (for debugging on the dev machine) and a lambda entry point. This also adds a code separation which can be helpful in case you need to use a different cloud provider.
- The maximum timeout is 15 minutes, so if you have a long-running process, this may be a challenge. Leveraging the step function may be an option to break long-running tasks.
- You do not have much control over the server which for most cases should be fine, but in the special case where you would want GPU for processing large video or some machine learning processing, this may not be the right choice.
- For complex apps, you may have to perform a lot of coordination and manage dependencies between all of the serverless functions.
- Can't scale over the hard limit. You may have to use a different account/region.
Pros of EKS
- Portability - you can run it anywhere, so cloud agnostic. You can run the same code on the developer's machine using minikube or Kubernetes in Docker Desktop. Easy to replicate the environment.
- You have better control over the underlying infrastructure. You define the entire container ecosystem and the server they run. You can manage all the resources, set all of the policies, oversee security, and determine how your application is deployed and behaves. You can debug and monitor in a standard way.
- No timeout restriction.
- You have greater control to optimize according to instance type/size by defining affinity/tolerance. You can make use of spot instances to control cost. So by optimizing the resources, you can achieve the biggest saving, but definitely, it will be at the cost of DevOps work.
Cons of EKS
- Lot more time to build and manage infrastructure work.
- You will need to make sure you are keeping up to date with the container base image and any package you are using. If you don't keep up to date with the short-release cycle it can become difficult to maintain the application.
- You need to manage to scale up and scale down. You can use technologies like Auto scaling (Horizontal pod autoscaling)/Karpenter(node-based autoscaling) can help.
- Containers are created/destroyed so this adds complexity in terms of monitoring, data storage, etc compared to running applications in VM. You need to account for this during the application design.
As with everything, it all depends on the use case. Here are some of the guidelines which I use. For any new project, my first preference is serverless for apparent reasons. If it's for a long-running application, and I am not willing to re-architect, my preference is a container. If cost is the factor for your decision, you need to consider extra DevOps time needed to devolve/maintain the k8s solution, and for serverless are you designing an application for continuous use (like a web service) or one-off use case (only a few times in a day). If you have a use case for multiple cloud providers, you need to give thought as eks has better portability, but on the other hand, other cloud providers are providing serverless support and if you maintain separation of concern this may not be a challenge.