Apr 14, 2020

React Introduction

React helps you build encapsulated components that manage their state, then compose them to make complex UI. The component has Props & State which represents its model. The data flow one way down the component hierarchy. 

state => view => action => state => view


The view is the direct result of rendering DOM using ReactDOM.render from the react-dom package. For a given model the DOM will always be the same, so the only way to change DOM is to change the model. Once a model is rendered in DOM, it can generate events that feedback into the state and trigger another render cycle. Once a state is changed react will render DOM. A state is always owned by one Component. Any data that’s affected by this state can only affect Components and its children. Changing state on a Component will never affect its parent, or its siblings, or any other Component in the application.

For efficient rendering, React maintain its document obstruction. A component render function updates this fake document object model known as the virtual DOM which is extremely fast. Once that happens react compares the fake document object model to the real document object model and update the real document object model in the most efficient way possible. Updating DOM is an expensive operation as redrawing large sections of DOM is inefficient. The comparison of virtual DOM with a real document happens in memory. 

ReactDOM takes two arguments: the first argument is JSX expression and the 2nd argument is dom element, this is the place where the react component will be inserted into the DOM element.


It's an XML like syntax extension to javascript which is used to describe how UI will look like. You can put any valid JavaScript expression inside the curly braces in JSX. Since the browser doesn't understand JSX, so it must be compiled to javascript, which is handled by bable. You may have an option to write directly the javascript and not JSX, but that may not be easier to write/read/maintain. If you are interested you can use https://babeljs.io/ to see how JSX is compiled to javascript. Writing HTML in javascript looked a little weird if you come from the angular background, but if you really think even in angular you write javascript in angular HTML like ngFor, etc. So either way, you have one of the two options - write js in HTML or HTML in js. One advantage I see with HTML in js is that at compile time you can catch an error. There are few minor differences between JSX and HTML like className for class and htmlFor for for. JSX can represent two types of element

  • DOM tag like div, dom tags are written in lower case, attributes passed to these elements are set on rendered DOM
  • User definer element must be starting with a capital letter. attributes to user-defined elements are passed to the component as a single object, usually referred to as props. All react components must act like pure functions with respect to their props, for a given prop output should be same and component needs to be rendered only if prop changes

Props and State

Props is short for properties. It allows you to pass data to the child component. Props are immutable as they are passed down from parent to child, so they are owned by the parent, so you cannot change it. On the other hand, the state is used to hold data that your component need to change for example value of the text field. To update state you use setState


React events (called synthetic event) are very similar to dom events, with few minor differences like name with camel case compare to lower case and function being passed as event handler rather than string. To prevent default you need to call preventDefault on the event object. SyntheticEvent are cross-browser wrapper around the browser’s native event. You can access browser native event by accessing nativeEvent. Since data flow one way, the only way to pass data is to raise event and update state which will eventually trigger view update. The same way you can pass data to the parent component, by calling function passed in the props.

Angular vs React

Both are component-based platform-agnostic rendering frameworks/tools, which you can write using typescript or javascript.

Data Binding
Angular uses two-way data binding which helps write less boilerplate code to have a model and view in sync. React supports one-way data binding which makes debugging easier and maybe help in performance

Angular is a full-blown framework that includes DI, forms, routing, navigation, HTTP implementation, directives, modules, decorators, services, pipes, templates with few advanced features like change detection, Ahead-of-Time compilation, lazy loading,  and Rx.js. This is built into core of the framework. React is much simple and you will have to use other libraries like redux, react-router, etc to make a complex application. React has a wider range of material design component libraries available.

Angular cli is a powerful command-line interface that assists in creating apps, adding files, testing, debugging, and deployment. Create React App is a CLI utility for React to quickly set up new projects