May 6, 2020


SNS is the notification service provided by AWS, which manages the delivery of a message to any number of subscribers. It uses the publisher/subscriber model for push delivery of messages. Subscribers are notified using following supported protocols - SQS, lambda, http/s, email, SMS. 

To use SNS, you create a topic and define a policy that dictates who can publish and subscribe to it. You can define policy by configuring the condition to give cross-account access. An SNS request has a Topic where you want to publish to, Subject, Message, MessageAttributes, MessageStructure. 

The subscriber can define subscription filter policy and dead-letter queues. By configuring the subscription filter policy, you can filter the message to be sent to the subscriber based on rules defined on the message attribute. You can assign a redrive policy to Amazon SNS subscriptions by specifying the Amazon SQS queue that captures messages that can't be delivered to subscribers successfully. You can test this by deleting the endpoint like lambda function. 

When you configure dead letter Q, you need to make sure, that SNS has the necessary permission to publish the message to the Q, by adding permission policy in SQS with SNS earn. Once a message is in dead letter Q, you can either have lambda configured to process them and also use cloud watch metrics to monitor dead letter Q.

SNS -> Lambda vs SNS -> SQS -> Lambda

If you have SQS in between SNS and Lambda, it can give you the flexibility of reprocessing. You may be able to set Redrive policy for SQS and set Maximum Receives, which essentially means the message will be received by lambda that many numbers of times before being sent to the dead letter Q. If no Redrive policy is set, then after every visibility timeout, the message will be sent to the lambda, until the message retention period. In case when SNS directly sends the message to lambda, its only one time, and if it fails it will get sent to the dead letter Q if Redrive policy is set. With SQS you can have a retention period of at least up to 14 days.

SQS retry happens after the visibility timeout occurs and the visibility timeout should be more than lambda timeout which essentially makes sure the message is sent to lambda only after lambda processing is completely done, which prevents duplicate processing of the message.

In Sqs (Pull Mechanism) messages are persisted for some (configurable) duration if no consumer is available, whereas in Sns (Push Mechanism) messages are sent to the subscribers which are there at the time when the message arrives.