Mar 31, 2017

Angular 2 Components

Component consisted of two part one is component class which is like any other TS class and the other is meta data (@Component). Here you define selector, template , style etc.

Communicating with child component can be done by creating input property in child component and from parent component html pass this as attribute with square bracket

Communication with parent component

  • Template variable - Using template variable you can reference any child component output property within the template.
  • EventEmitter - Using output property of type EventEmitter, you can emit any event which you can bind in the parent component using parenthesis. In the event you can pass any data from the child component.

CSS is encapsulated within component, meaning css used in parent component will not affect child component and visa versa. You can still define global css which will be applied to all the components. 


Interpolation is used when you need to display the data {{}}. The text between braces is evaluated and then converted as string to display data. You can use javascript expression here, which do not have or promote side effects, for example  binding cannot contain assignment; {{ title='test' }} is not allowed. It can also invoke method of host component. Though inside method you can do some assignment, for which angular will not throw error but you will get unexpected result and this should be strongly avoided.

Refer following example, here we are assigning title property of host component to the value attribute of the input DOM element. This will be one way, meaning value property of component will be evaluated every time change detection cycle is triggered and string conversion of that will be assigned to the value attribute of the element
<input type="text" value="{{title}}">

Similarly in the following case div element will display title property of the component

Property binding [] is used when you want to bind data to property of dom element. For example in the following case value property of input DOM element is assigned with title property of host component. This will again be one way meaning value property will be eveluated eveytime change detection cycle is triggered
<input type="text" [value]="title" >

Event binding are used to bind event of the element. The expression used in this can have side effect. In the following example I am calling handleClick function on the host component on click event.
<input type="button" (click)="handleClick()">

I can also do assignment here as in following case in case of input event I am assigning value of target element to the title property of host component.
<input type="text" (input)="title=$">

Structural Directive - This is indicated by *, which indicates that they can upadate DOM element.
*ngFor -
*ngIf- Render content only if expression is true. Its not just hiding by css, but the dom element is not rendered. In case you want to hide the element you can use hidden property([hidden]="some expression")
*ngSwitchCase used along with non structural directive ngSwitch

For evaluating expression you should use ? against the object property which can be null, This will short circuit evaluation of the expression.

[ngStyle] return class and style. Using this you can style multiple properties of element.
[ngStyle]="{'background-color': 1===2?'green':'blue', 'font-weight': 'bold'}"     -> style="background-color: blue; font-weight: bold;"

You can also use [style.background-color]="'blue'". Here we directly accessing style property of the element. Refer above for property binding

[ngClass] - This allows to update classed on the element. It is specified as key and boolean expression value
<div [ngClass]="{'small-text': 1===1, 'red'}"> => class="small-text red"

Property and Attribute

Property and Attribute are more often used interchangeably. When defining an html element you can specify its attribute and when browser parses code, a corresponding DOM object will be created, which will have its properties. For example the following element has three attributes id, type and value.

<input id="myElement" type="text" value="something" >

Once browser create DOM, this object will contain multiple properties like attributes, className, disabled, hidden, width, id, innerText, innerHtml, value, type, style etc. Write following javascript and inspect different properties on the element. You will notice attribute property which will include add the attribute defined in the html element.

let input1 = document.getElementById("3");

Property and attributes doesn't have one to one relationship, but more often many of the properties relates to attributes.


This enables to build reusable component by giving option to injecting mark up by consumer of the component. Here we saying that my-component will show <h4> tag as it is in this component and will be shown everywhere where we use my-component. The consumer also has option of passing content which will replace ng-content. You can multiple ng-contect and have selector which will give option to inject multiple content.

    selector: "my-component",
    template: `
    <h4>something which will be shown everywhere</h4>
<div (click)="toggelContent()" class="well thubnail">
        <ng-content select=".title"></ng-content>
        <ng-content select="[body]"></ng-content>


You can use this component like this.

<div class="title">
my title
<div body>
my body

Mar 17, 2017

Angular 2 High level overview

Angular 1 was based on MVC framework which has a View/Template which can have one or more controller, which expose modal.

In Angular 2, you have a component which has associated template and as with angular 1 you have model which represent data. Component and template has 1-1 relation. Any angular 2 application has root application component that is loaded first and then the angular router load the appropriate component by looking at the url. The component template is then displayed in the browser and the component may then load some data from the server and give it to the template to display. Component can be composed of other components which is the typical case in any complex page. This can be considered as a tree like structure, when you load to a new page your root app component remains same and below that, router loads the corresponding component and its sub component, by looking at the new route. As your application gets bigger, this can become a lot of stuff to load into memory. This is where angular module (ngModule) comes in picture, which are the container that groups all these routes and component trees. Modules can be loaded independent of each other. Browser will load only the module which is being accessed.

Angular Module (ngModule) file has following main pieces.

The imports array
The module's imports array appears exclusively in the @NgModule metadata object. It tells Angular about specific other Angular modules — all of them classes decorated with @NgModule — that the application needs to function properly.

The JavaScript import statements give you access to symbols exported by other files so you can reference them within this file.

The declarations array
This tells which component belongs in this module

Bootstrap array
The bootstrapping process creates the component listed in the bootstrap array and insert each one on the browser DOM.

Refer this for good high level overview of angular2.

Refer this for quick start project. Also you can use angular cli tool to get started with the angular project.