javascript properties has descriptors called property descriptors. You can access property descriptors like this
This should return
You can update these descriptors by using Object.defineProperty
Updating writable property descriptor to false will make this property read only
After doing this you won't be able to update property value
In the following case we are making name property to be read only, but you can still update any of the property of name object as you not changing name property reference
If you want to prevent this to happen you can use
After this you wont be able to update lastName
Updating configurable to false will prevent from redefining the property. You will not be able to change enumerable/configurable property descriptor. You will also not be able to delete the property.
Following will throw error
You will still be able to change writable descriptor
Updating enumerable to false will prevent this property to be enumerated
After executing above line you wont be able to see age property in any of the below code
var person ={ name: {lastName:'xyz', firstName:'abc'}, age: 15 } console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(person,'name'));
This should return
{ value: object, //this could be value for primitives type property writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
You can update these descriptors by using Object.defineProperty
Updating writable property descriptor to false will make this property read only
After doing this you won't be able to update property value
person.age = 11; // This will throw error as it cannot assign to read only age property
In the following case we are making name property to be read only, but you can still update any of the property of name object as you not changing name property reference
Object.defineProperty(person,'name',{writable:false}); = 'xyza'
If you want to prevent this to happen you can use
After this you wont be able to update lastName = 'xyzab' // This will throw error as it cannot assign to read only age property
Updating configurable to false will prevent from redefining the property. You will not be able to change enumerable/configurable property descriptor. You will also not be able to delete the property.
Following will throw error
Object.defineProperty(person,'name',{enumerable:false}); //cannot redefine property age Object.defineProperty(person,'name',{configurable:false}); //cannot redefine property age delete person.age //cannot delete property age
You will still be able to change writable descriptor
Updating enumerable to false will prevent this property to be enumerated
After executing above line you wont be able to see age property in any of the below code
for (var propertyName in person){ console.log(propertyName + ": " + person[propertyName]) } console.log(Object.keys(person)) console.log(JSON.stringify(person))