Jan 6, 2017

HTML Import

HTML5 Import provides a standard way of importing html from a separate file onto the page, in the similar way we reference JavaScript and CSS. This can also be used to bundle JS, CSS and HTML. Without bundling you will have to have style and script referenced on all your pages, and also in a particular order. This way you can bundle everything for your custom element so that consumer don't have to worry about referencing necessary CSS/JS. HTML from external file must be added to the head of the page. 

<link rel="import" href="myimport.html" id="myimport">

JavaScript and CSS from the imported file get executed and applied immediately where as html is inert, meaning it's loaded in the browser but is not rendered. So if you have console.log('i am coming from myimport.html') javascript in the myimport.html, this will get executed by just putting above link. But to render html from the imported page you need to do following

         var content = document.getElementById('myimport').import;
         var markupimportedfromfile = content.getElementById('fromimportedfile');
With the template tag, everything inside (markup or JS or CSS) is inert until cloned and this will still be the case if it is in the import file, but any CSS and JS directly defined in the import file will be executed\applied immediately. CORS rule will be applied for importing html.

Imported file can also have import within it. You can use this for importing JS/CSS library, this way sub-import file will have these libraries and you will import this file in all your custom element file. This can help in avoiding different custom element using different version of those libraries.

Referencing Owner Document
If you use selector on document object (document.querySelector) in the import file, it will search through the DOM defined in the file where it is imported. To get reference from the import file, you must use selector on document.currentScript.ownerDocument

The link element has two events, onload and onerror. Script for that need to be added before adding the link

function loaded(event)  {
  console.log('import loaded');
function error(event)  {
  console.log('could not load ' + event.target.href);
    <link rel="import" id="myimport" href="myimport.html" onload="loaded(event)" onerror="error(event)">`

Jan 4, 2017

Table of Content

Shadow DOM

Shadow DOM encapsulates DOM sub tree and their style. It creates a boundary, so that it maintains a separation from the main document. This avoids leaking of styles from the main DOM to shadow DOM and visa versa. Markup is also protected as they cannot be accessed through standard selectors. In past people have used iframe to achieve short of similar feature, but that comes with extra baggage as iframe is mainly designed to host separate web page. Also interaction between iframe and its host may not be straight forward.

How to Create Shadow DOM
                   var host = document.createElement('div');                   
                   var root = host.createShadowRoot();
                   root.innerHTML = "<h1>This is shadow DOM</h1>";


  • Light DOM - DOM which is not within shadow DOM is called Light DOM. In other words it the DOM which people refer prior to concept of shadow..
  • Logicl DOM - Together Light DOM and Shadow DOM are referred as logical DOM.
  • Shadow Host - Its the element in the Light DOM which host shadow DOM
  • shadow-root - This contains the shadow dom, and will be a child to the main DOM. Anything underneath this cannot be accessed through standard selector like this (document.querySelector('h1')),rather you have to use selector on shadow root object. All following methods are supported shadow root
    • getElementById()
    • getElementByClassName()
    • getElementByTagName()
    • getElementByTagNameNS()
    • querySelector()
    • querySelectorAll()

java script
js within shadow dom is not encapsulated. js defined in template tag will still be attached to windows object, but since markup will not be accessible across shadow boundary through standard selector, chances of accidentally impacting mark up across boundary is very less.

Content Insertion Points
Content tag provides a way through which mark up defined in the Light DOM can be distributed in Shadow DOM. You can provide selector that specify the markup which you want to distribute. You can have multiple content tag and the first content tag which match selector and is not already inserted will display it. If you create empty content tag, it will insert everything which is not already inserted. If there is no empty content tag, then only selected markup will be displayed, rest will be ignored.

Content create an insertion point. Elements inserted (which comes from Light DOM) at this insertion point is called distributed node. Distributed nodes are just displayed at the insertion point and they are not actually inserted into the Shadow DOM. Distributed node remains part of Light DOM and you can still user standard selector (document.querySelector('h1')) for distributed node, whereas selector on the root (root.querySelector('content div')) will not return anything.

Following api are provided in order to access distributed node as well as insertion point

getDistributedInsertionPoints Get list of all content tag where light dom is inserted

Supported Content Selector
<content select="h1"> match all h1 element from light DOM
<content select=".myclass">
<content select=".myid">
<content select="input type=[text]">
<content select=":not(#test1)">

Shadow Insertion Points
You can create multipe shadow root for a host, but only the last one (referred as youngest) will be displayed. To include the previous shadow root, you need to include shadow tag in the displayed shadow root.

var host = document.getElementById('myshadowhost');
var root1 = host.createShadowRoot();
var root2 = host.createShadowRoot();
var root3 = host.createShadowRoot();
root1.innerHTML = '<div>Shadow DOM root1</div>';
root2.innerHTML = '<div>Shadow DOM root2</div> <shadow></shadow>'; // This will display older shadowRoot which in this case is root1
root3.innerHTML = '<div>Shadow DOM root3</div> <shadow></shadow>'; // This will display older shadowRoot which in this case is root2

You can use following methods in javascript to get hold of shadow roots
host.shadowRoot will always return youngest shadowRoot

Some of shadow dom events (like click) are re targeted as if they are coming from shodow host, where as some of the events (like change) are just killed at within shadow dom and is not re targeted.

Jan 3, 2017

Custom Element

Custom element give power of defining your own custom element which can be used as native html element. You can also extend existing native HTML element, which can add more features to it, based on your requirement.

Currently most of the web pages looks like this, this may not be easy to understand/maintain as div is just a generic container and which does not indicate about the item which it contains.


With the use of custom element you can transform it like this. By element's name itself its clear what it contains.


Registering and utilizing a custom element

  • Define a prototype for the custom element

                 var MyElementPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

                 var MyButtonPrototype = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype);

  • Add callback function in which you create element

               MyElementPrototype.createdCallback = function(){
                              this.innerHTML = "<h2>My Element</h2>";

              MyButtonPrototype.createdCallback = function(){
     this.innerHTML = "test";

  • Register the element

             var MyElement = document.registerElement('my-element',{

             var MyButtonPrototype = document.registerElement('my-button',{
                  extends: 'button'

Instantiate Custom element

  • Markup


  • new operator

    var myElement = new MyElement();
    document.getElementById('someid').innerHTML = '<my-element/>'

  • create element

     var myElement = document.createElement('my-element');

  • Inner HTMLElement

     document.getElementById('someid').innerHTML = '<my-element/>'

Life cycle callback

  • createdCallback - Instance is created
  • attachedCallback - Instance inserted to DOM
  • detachedCallback - Instance detached from DOM
  • attributeChangedCallback - Any attribute update