HTML5 provides an application caching mechanism that lets web-based applications run offline. Browser (specially mobile) typically has small cache, so this provides additional control over the resource. This results in faster web pages, lower network bandwidth and lower web server load
Things to be aware when using Application Cache
Double Refresh Issue
1.Client Load the Page
2.Load Manifest File
3.Load Application Cache
4.Server update the page and Manifest file
5.Client reload the page which will come form clients Application cache
6.Client will fetch Manifest file
7.Since manifest file has been updated, page will be downloaded and application cache will be updated
8.Still user see page from old version of the cache, so client now has to reload the page.
The above situation may become little more confusing when there are few resources coming from Network (marked in NETWORK section), in which case some of the resources are fresh every time the page is viewed, where as others marked in Cache coming from application cache which was loaded last time the Page was viewed.
To get away with this situation you can write javascript code to reload page once application is cached (window.applicationCache.onupdateready event).
If a manifest file is added to a HTML file, it forces all resources to be downloaded synchronously as soon as the manifest file is downloaded, which will mean resources that may not yet be required, such as JavaScript or an image below the fold, will be downloaded at the start of the page.The best way to reduce this problem is to be careful about the order of files listed in the manifest file. As a general rule the files should be in the following order CSS -> IMG -> JS.
The only way to update application file is to modify manifest, even though resources are changed on the server, client will continue to see older cached version until manifest file is modified. Modifying manifest file will result in download of entire cache file even though only one changed.
Prevent Manifest File Caching
It is important to avoid caching the manifest file by ensuring the web server serves the manifest file with Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache and Expires: 0.
Things to be aware when using Application Cache
Double Refresh Issue
1.Client Load the Page
2.Load Manifest File
3.Load Application Cache
4.Server update the page and Manifest file
5.Client reload the page which will come form clients Application cache
6.Client will fetch Manifest file
7.Since manifest file has been updated, page will be downloaded and application cache will be updated
8.Still user see page from old version of the cache, so client now has to reload the page.
The above situation may become little more confusing when there are few resources coming from Network (marked in NETWORK section), in which case some of the resources are fresh every time the page is viewed, where as others marked in Cache coming from application cache which was loaded last time the Page was viewed.
To get away with this situation you can write javascript code to reload page once application is cached (window.applicationCache.onupdateready event).
If a manifest file is added to a HTML file, it forces all resources to be downloaded synchronously as soon as the manifest file is downloaded, which will mean resources that may not yet be required, such as JavaScript or an image below the fold, will be downloaded at the start of the page.The best way to reduce this problem is to be careful about the order of files listed in the manifest file. As a general rule the files should be in the following order CSS -> IMG -> JS.
The only way to update application file is to modify manifest, even though resources are changed on the server, client will continue to see older cached version until manifest file is modified. Modifying manifest file will result in download of entire cache file even though only one changed.
Prevent Manifest File Caching
It is important to avoid caching the manifest file by ensuring the web server serves the manifest file with Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache and Expires: 0.