1. Uses HTTP as a communication protocol for remote interactions.
2. Rather than singular service endpoint, we have many individual resource/URIs. So its resource oriented architecture.
3. URIs (resources) supports multiple HTTP verbs (GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,OPTION) and HTTP response codes.
GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS - Safe methods that aren't intended to have side effects
GET,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,OPTION - Idempotent,can be repeated multiple times without harm.
POST - Server define actual function, cannot be considered safe/idempotent by clients.
Refer to following specification for detail of HTTP Method RFC 2616 §9
HTTP defines a suite of standard response codes that specify the result of processing the request.
Successful 2xx
Redirection 3xx
Client Error 4xx
Server Error 5xx
The HTTP specification also defines a suite of headers that can be used to negotiate behavior between HTTP clients and servers. These headers provide built-in solutions for important communication concepts like redirection, content negotiation, security (authentication and authorization), caching, and compression.
Few Examples
GET http://<host>/ExploringMvc/api/Product?id=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, s-maxage=0
Content-Length: 3495
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 00:42:54 GMT
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
ETag: 792373472
Last-Modified: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 00:55:44 GMT
If-Match: "xyzzy"
If-Modified-Since: Mon, 31 Oct 2012 00:42:54 GMT
Refer to following specification for detail of HTTP Header RFC 2616 §14
Resource can support multiple media type which can be negotiated between client/server.
4. Response contains number of hypermedia controls for different things to do next. This allows the server to change its URI scheme without breaking clients. The reason it’s called the “Web” is because resources can contain hyperlinks to other resources, thereby creating a Web of resources.
From RPC-style to RESTful
Unlike RPC-style, you no longer focus on designing methods. Instead, you focus on the resources that make up your system, their URIs, and their representations and then you decide which of HTTP Verb you’ll support for each resource. So you short of move from Verbs to Nouns. If I am designing RPC-style service my focus will be on following operations
GetProduct(int id)
AddProduct(Product product)
DeleteProduct(int id)
UpdateProduct(Product product)
If you notice that all above operations is for Product resource. So moving from RPC-style to RESTful, my focus will shift to Product resource. And then I will decide which of HTTP Verbs I need to support.
In RPC, Contract is service description document. All of service endpoint,operation, data type argument return, exception are defined in self contained application protocol defination
2. Rather than singular service endpoint, we have many individual resource/URIs. So its resource oriented architecture.
3. URIs (resources) supports multiple HTTP verbs (GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,OPTION) and HTTP response codes.
GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS - Safe methods that aren't intended to have side effects
GET,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,OPTION - Idempotent,can be repeated multiple times without harm.
POST - Server define actual function, cannot be considered safe/idempotent by clients.
Refer to following specification for detail of HTTP Method RFC 2616 §9
HTTP defines a suite of standard response codes that specify the result of processing the request.
Successful 2xx
Redirection 3xx
Client Error 4xx
Server Error 5xx
The HTTP specification also defines a suite of headers that can be used to negotiate behavior between HTTP clients and servers. These headers provide built-in solutions for important communication concepts like redirection, content negotiation, security (authentication and authorization), caching, and compression.
Few Examples
GET http://<host>/ExploringMvc/api/Product?id=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, s-maxage=0
Content-Length: 3495
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 00:42:54 GMT
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
ETag: 792373472
Last-Modified: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 00:55:44 GMT
If-Match: "xyzzy"
If-Modified-Since: Mon, 31 Oct 2012 00:42:54 GMT
Resource can support multiple media type which can be negotiated between client/server.
4. Response contains number of hypermedia controls for different things to do next. This allows the server to change its URI scheme without breaking clients. The reason it’s called the “Web” is because resources can contain hyperlinks to other resources, thereby creating a Web of resources.
From RPC-style to RESTful
Unlike RPC-style, you no longer focus on designing methods. Instead, you focus on the resources that make up your system, their URIs, and their representations and then you decide which of HTTP Verb you’ll support for each resource. So you short of move from Verbs to Nouns. If I am designing RPC-style service my focus will be on following operations
GetProduct(int id)
AddProduct(Product product)
DeleteProduct(int id)
UpdateProduct(Product product)
If you notice that all above operations is for Product resource. So moving from RPC-style to RESTful, my focus will shift to Product resource. And then I will decide which of HTTP Verbs I need to support.
In RPC, Contract is service description document. All of service endpoint,operation, data type argument return, exception are defined in self contained application protocol defination
- contract is uniform interface.Action/Error semantics are specified by uniform interface.
- Input and output are tied to media type specification.
- State transitions are specified by hype mdeia
- no service/operation, only resources and standard control data element such as http verb
- no data type, no argument, no return value, they are simply media type, which are sequence of bytes from view point of uniform interface.
- in rest hyper media driven workflow enable relationship between client/server to be much more dynamic in the sense that component can be moved around like resources can be added without breaking client.
- generating proxy is not simple as in case of REST
- in a truly RESTful architecture, the concept of statelessness implies that all relevant application states must be supplied with each and every request.By relevant, it is meant that whatever is required by the REST API to process the request and serve an appropriate response.