Dec 6, 2011

Types - Back to Basic

Value Type
• Non-object types
• Stored in memory “stack”
• int, long, char, byte,float, double,decimal,bool etc.
• Structs,Enumerations

Reference Types
• Object types
• Stored in memory “heap”
• Variables are “pointers” to memory location

Memory Allocation
The Common Language Runtime allocates memory for objects in two places: the stack and the heap. The stack is a simple first-in last-out memory structure, and is highly efficient. When a method is invoked, the CLR bookmarks the top of the stack. The method then pushes data onto the stack as it executes. When the method completes, the CLR just resets the stack to its previous bookmark—“popping” all the method’s memory allocations is one simple operation!
In contrast, the heap can be pictured as a random jumble of objects. Its advantage is that it allows objects to be allocated or deallocated in a random order. As we’ll see later, the heap requires the overhead of a memory manager and garbage collector to keep things in order.

void CreateEmployee()
Employee myEmployee = new Employee();     // Employee is a class
Employee myEmployee1;
myEmployee1 = myEmployee;

//Since this is being passed as value type a copy of reference variable will be
//passed to DoSomeWork which will point to the same employee objct so
//any modification to the actual employee object will be visible here.

void DoSomeWork(Employee employee)
employee.WorkCompleted = True; //Since this is modification to the actual object this will be visible in the calling function
employee = null; //Since this is modification to the local variable this will not impact anything in the calling function.

In this method, we create a local variable myEmployee that references an Employee object. The local variable is stored on the stack, while the Employee itself is stored on the heap. Also in the third line we are saying that local variable myEmployee1 reference to the same Employee object, so modification to the Employee object will be reflected from the both references myEmployee as well as myEmployee1

Stack                                  | Heap
myEmployee Reference----   |----->Employee object

The stack is always used to store the following two things:
• The reference portion of reference-typed local variables and parameters
• Value-typed local variables and method parameters (structs, as well as integers, bools, chars, DateTimes, etc.)

The following data is stored on the heap:
• The content of reference-type objects.

Memory Disposal
Once CreateEmployee has finished running, its local stack-allocated variable, myEmployee, will disappear from scope and be “popped” off the stack. However, what will happen to the now-orphaned object on the heap to which it was pointing? The answer is that we can ignore it—the Common Language Runtime’s garbage collector will catch up with it some time later and automatically deallocate it from the heap. The garbage collector will know to delete it, because the object has no valid referee.

The garbage collector automatically releases the memory allocated to a managed object when that object is no longer used, however, it is not possible to predict when garbage collection will occur. Furthermore, the garbage collector has no knowledge of unmanaged resources such as window handles, or open files and streams.

Dec 5, 2011

Parallel Programming

You can simply spin a new thread and assign some work

Thread t = new Thread(DoSomething);
 // Start the thread
 // Request that oThread be stopped
 // Wait until oThread finishes. Join also has overloads
 // that take a millisecond interval or a TimeSpan object.
 //This will throw ThreadStateException since aborted threads cannot be restarted
The above approch is good for jobs which are going to be relatively long running

1. Spinning up a new thread and tearing one down are relatively costly actions, especially if compared to the cost of a small work being performed in the thread
2. Oversubscription is another issue. If too many threads are running, we’d have two components each fighting for the machine’s resources, forcing the operating system to spend more time context switching between components. Context switching is expensive for a variety of reasons, including the need to persist details of a thread’s execution prior to the operating system context switching out the thread and replacing it with another.

.NET Framework maintains a pool of threads that service work items provided to it. The main method for doing this is the static QueueUserWorkItem

using (ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false))
  // Wait for all threads to complete.
1. So no overhead of thread creation and tear down.
2. Minimizes the possibility of oversubscription.
3. Once your machine is sufficiently busy, the threadpool will queue up requests rather than immediately spawn more threads.

1. There is a lim­ited num­ber of threads in the .Net Thread Pool (250 per CPU by default), and they are being used by many of the .Net frame­work classes (e.g. timer events are fired on thread pool threads) so you wouldn’t want your appli­ca­tion to hog the thread pool.
2. You cannot set the priority.

.Net 4.0
Parallel programming become much easier with the release of  .Net 4.0 System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel

ParallelLoopResult loopResult =
 Parallel.For(0, 100, (y,loopState) => 
  Console.WriteLine("This is " + y);
  //The other option is Break which gurantees that all the iterations till the breaking iterations are completed
  if(y > 20) loopState.Stop();
   Console.WriteLine("Loop was stopped while I am processing this");
 Console.WriteLine("Ran to completion: " + loopResult.IsCompleted);

CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
 var options = new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token };

 Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>

  Parallel.For(0, 10000, options, (y, loopState) =>
   Console.WriteLine("This is " + y);
 catch (OperationCanceledException e)


As previously mentioned, the Parallel class is implemented in a manner so as to provide for quality load balancing while incurring as little overhead as possible. There is still overhead, though. The overhead incurred by Parallel.For is largely centered around two costs:
1) Delegate invocations - Invoking a delegate incurs approximately the same amount of cost as a virtual method call.
2) Synchronization between threads for load balancing.

Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoSomething(par1));
 Task task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoSomething(par2));

 Task[] tasks = new Task[] {task1, task2};

 () =>  DoSomething("1"),()=>DoSomething("1"));


Singleton - Highlander Pattern "There can be only one!"

There can be only one
There are some object we want to share system wide
• Expensive to Create
• Represent a single instance entity
• Shared State
• Database connection

• Cache
• Logging
• Database connection

1st Solution

public static class Cache
  private static Cache cache = new Cache();

  private Cache() {}

  public static Cache Current
   get { return cache; }
  public static void AddToCache(Object o, Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache
  public static object GetFromCache(Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache


So by making constructor private, we insure that the class cannot be instantiated in any other way except by accessing the Current property.

Issue with the above solution
• Since static types lack some of the more useful oo features like polymorphism

Next Approach

public class Cache
  private static Cache cache = new Cache();

  private Cache() { }

  public static Cache Current
   get { return cache; }
  public static void AddToCache(Object o, Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache
  public static object GetFromCache(Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache


Here the class is not marked as Static and also there is only one way to obtain an instance outside the class.

When does the instance of Cache gets created?
If a class does not have a static constructor then it is marked 'BeforeFieldInit'. In this
circumstance, according to the ECMA spec "If marked BeforeFieldInit then the type's
initializer method is executed at, or sometime before, first access to any static field
defined for that type", this is a loose guarantee. It means that there is no guarantee when
the initializer is run, it could be when the type is loaded, when the first static method is
called or when the field itself is accessed.
If an exception fires during the construction of the object this exception is held and re-thrown on first use of the type

Lazy Initialization

public class Cache
  private static Cache cache;

  static Cache() 
   cache = new Cache();

  public static Cache Current
   get { return cache; }
  public static void AddToCache(Object o, Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache
  public static object GetFromCache(Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache


By explicitly adding a static constructor this changes the behavior of the CLR to perform lazy initialization, so the logger instance is not created until we actually need it.A static constructor is called automatically to initialize the class before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.

Lazy Initialization By Hand

public class Cache
  private static Cache cache = null;

  static Cache(){}

  public static Cache Current
   if (cache == null)
    cache = new Cache();
   return cache; 
  public static void AddToCache(Object o, Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache
  public static object GetFromCache(Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache


The above code only guaranteed if running in a single threaded environment or in other word its not thread safe.

Thread Safe Lazy Initialization
public class Cache
  private static Cache cache = null;
  private static Object initLock = new object();

  static Cache(){}

  public static Cache Current
   if (cache == null)
   return cache; 
  private static void CreateInstance()
    if (cache == null)
     cache = new Cache();
  public static void AddToCache(Object o, Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache
  public static object GetFromCache(Object key)
   //Write logic to add to cache


In the above code after the initial creation has happended the lock statement will never be executed.

Few Important Points on Singleton
• .Net singelton is scoped on an App Domain not process
• Singleton objects live forever so if they are expensive in terms of memory footprint they will continue to do so until the application dies as the type itself holds on to a strong reference.
• Hard to derive with. You can’t easily derive from a singleton since the constructor is private and thus the type is effectively sealed, making the constructor protected can offer some possibility of deriving from it although the derived class will not be able to have a private constructor.

Dec 1, 2011

Observer Pattern - Don't call us, we'll call you!

This is used whenever one or more objects (referred as observers) need to be notified when things change to the other object (referred as subject).

Simplest Solution 
Have subject notify observer when its data change. In this case you will pass reference of the observer class to the subject, so whenever subject wants to notify it can call objerver's notify me

 public class Subject
  private Observer _observer;

  public Subject(Observer observer)
   _observer = observer;

  public void DoWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Working on " + desc + "..." );
   Thread.Sleep( 3000 );
   Console.WriteLine( "Finished " + desc );
   _observer.NotifyOfWork( desc );
   Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
 public class Observer
  internal void NotifyOfWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Great " + desc + " is done" );
 public class Program
  private static void Main()
   Observer observer = new Observer();
   Subject subject = new Subject( observer);
   subject.DoWork( "Do some work" );
   subject.DoWork( "Do some more work" );


Issue with the above solution 
In the above solution Subject class is very tightly coupled with Observer. We have to add new code to add a new Observer. Also Observer cannot be added or removed dynamically.

Decoupling Subject and Observer

 public class Subject
  private List observers = new List();

  public void AddObserver(IObserver obs)
  observers.Add( obs );

  public void RemoveObserver(Observer observer)

  public void Notify(string desc)
  // Notify the observers by looping through all the registered observers.
  foreach(IObserver observer in observers)

  public void DoWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Working on " + desc + "..." );
   Thread.Sleep( 3000 );
   Console.WriteLine( "Finished " + desc );

   Notify( desc );

   Thread.Sleep( 1000 );

 public class Observer1 : IObserver
  internal void NotifyOfWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Great " + desc + " is done. This is notification from Observer1" );

 public class Observer2 : IObserver
  internal void NotifyOfWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Great " + desc + " is done. This is notification from Observer2" );
 public interface IObserver
  void NotifyOfWork(string desc);

 public class Program
  private static void Main()
   Observer1 observer1 = new Observer1();
   Observer2 observer2 = new Observer2();

   Subject subject = new Subject();
   subject.AddObserver( observer1 );
   subject.AddObserver( observer2 );

   subject.DoWork( "Do some work" );
   subject.DoWork( "Do some more work" );

In the above solution there is abstract coupling between Subject and Observer. Subject doesn't know the concrete class of any observer. We can add new observer without modifying subject. The notification that subject sends needn't specify the receiver. The notification is broadcast to all interested object that subscribed to it. The subject doesn't care how many interested objects exist; its only responsibility is to notify its observers. This gives you the freedom to add and remove observers at any time. It's up to the observer to handle or ignore a notification. So the solution is open for extension, but closed for modification. "O" (open/closed principle) in "SOLID".

Issue with the previous solution 
All my observer need to implement a common Interface. Also we have to write code to add/remove observer.

Even Cleaner Solution

 public delegate void WorkCompletedDelegate(string desc);

 public class Subject
  public event WorkCompletedDelegate WorkCompleted;

  public void DoWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Working on " + desc + "..." );
   Thread.Sleep( 3000 );
   Console.WriteLine( "Finished " + desc );
   if (WorkCompleted != null)
    WorkCompleted( desc );
   Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
 public class Observer1 
  internal void NotifyOfWork(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Great " + desc + " is done. This is notification from Observer1" );
 public class Observer2 
  internal void SubjectIsDone(string desc)
   Console.WriteLine( "Great " + desc + " is done. This is notification from Observer2" );
 public class Program
  private static void Main()
   Observer1 observer1 = new Observer1();
   Observer2 observer2 = new Observer2();

   Subject subject = new Subject();
   subject.WorkCompleted = observer1.NotifyOfWork;
   subject.WorkCompleted = observer2.SubjectIsDone;

   subject.DoWork( "Do some work" );
   subject.DoWork( "Do some more work" );

Create a Custome valueprovider

Value providers are used by the model binding system in MVC to populate the values of model objects. MVC 3.0 includes value providers for several common value sources

Decompile System.Web.Mvc.DefaultModelBinder, to review how BindProperty/BindModel (calls ContainsPrefix(text) on the value provider) and BindModel (GetValue) method uses Value Provider for populating model objects.

Below I have created a CookieValueProviderFactory derived from ValueProviderFactory which has a abstract method to GetValueProvider. In this case this gets my custome CookieValueProvider which implements IValueProvider (bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix) and System.Web.Mvc.ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key))

 public class CookieValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory
        public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext)
            return new CookieValueProvider(controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies);

        private class CookieValueProvider : IValueProvider

            private readonly HttpCookieCollection _cookieCollection;

            public CookieValueProvider(HttpCookieCollection cookieCollection)
                _cookieCollection = cookieCollection;

            public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
                return _cookieCollection[prefix] != null;

            public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
                HttpCookie cookie = _cookieCollection[key];
                return cookie != null ?
                           new ValueProviderResult(cookie.Value,
                           : null;

Then I add this to the ValueProviderFactories like this

 protected void Application_Start()
  ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new CookieValueProviderFactory());

To test this I added cookies and in the Action this was automatically binded.

 private void AddCookie(IUserData userData)
   new HttpCookie("somethingToCookies", "Anything")
 public ActionResult CreateEmployee(string somethingToCookies)